Formatted Output for PBS qstat

We use PBS as our HPC scheduler and a common thing I want to do is check on the status of my jobs. Vanilla qstat is pretty bare-bones though:

                                                            Req'd  Req'd   Elap
Job ID          Username Queue    Jobname    SessID NDS TSK Memory Time  S Time
--------------- -------- -------- ---------- ------ --- --- ------ ----- - -----
1117644.nodeX* kwaneu   gaussia* tiny_solu*  14940   1  16   32gb   --  R 00:02
1117645.nodeX* kwaneu   gaussia* tiny_solu*  14948   1  16   32gb   --  R 00:02
1117646.nodeX* kwaneu   gaussia* tiny_solu*  14958   1  16   32gb   --  R 00:02

What’s after the *?? (Unlike SLURM, there doesn’t seem to be a way to specify a format string! Why not? Who knows?) What are these other random fields? What if I want other information?

A better way is to parse the json:

> qstat -f -Fjson

This has all the information but is overwhelming for a bunch of jobs. You can parse this with Python, but the problem is the modules take a while to load. A better way is to use an awk script. Here it is!

# script for parsing qstat output
# Eugene Kwan, June 2024
# example usage:
# qstat -f -Fjson | awk -f qstat.awk

BEGIN { FS="\"" }

/":{$/ {
        ids[job_count] = $2
        in_resource = 0

/"Job_Name"/ {
        names[job_count] = $4

/"Job_Owner"/ {
        split($4, fields, "@")
        owners[job_count] = fields[1]

/"ncpus"/ {
        split($3, fields, "[:,]")
        cpus[job_count] = fields[2]

/resources_used/ {
        in_resource = 1

/"mem"/ && in_resource == 1 {
        memory[job_count] = $4 / 1000000
        #print $0, memory[job_count]
        in_resource = 0

/"walltime"/ {
        walltime[job_count] = $4

/"job_state"/ {
        state[job_count] = $4

/"queue"/ {
        queue[job_count] = $4

        print "job_id                                 job_name                                           user    ncpus  memory   walltime  state  queue"
        print "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
        for (i=1; i <= job_count; i++) {
                if (owners[i] != "kwaneu")
        printf "%30s %50s %12s %3d  %6.1f GB %10s   %2s    %15s\n", ids[i], names[i], owners[i], cpus[i], memory[i], walltime[i], state[i], queue[i]
        if (state[i] == "R")
        printf "\nTotal: %d jobs (%d running)\n", n_jobs, n_running

Here’s an example of the output:

> qstat -f -Fjson | awk -f qstat.awk

job_id                                 job_name                                           user    ncpus  memory   walltime  state  queue
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                 tiny_solutes-02334       kwaneu  16     0.7 GB   00:03:18    R    gaussian_medium                                 tiny_solutes-02335       kwaneu  16     0.6 GB   00:03:17    R    gaussian_medium                                 tiny_solutes-02336       kwaneu  16     0.7 GB   00:03:17    R    gaussian_medium

Total: 3 jobs (3 running)

The results comes pretty much instantly!

Note that I didn’t actually write a full json parser. I’m just using the very simplest search patterns to extract the metadata. You might need to alter for your system.

Another thing is that qstat doesn’t seem to take username or other search filters in json mode. This script just searches for my jobs, but you might need to alter this too.